Moray Wright: Parkwalk Advisors
Thierry Heles talks to Moray Wright, co-founder and chief executive of Parkwalk Advisors, the fund management subsidiary of commercialisation firm IP Group.
Alicia Löffler: Northwestern University
Thierry Heles talks to Alicia Löffler, associate provost for Innovation & New Ventures, associate vice president for Research and executive director, INVO, Center for Translational…
Nichole Mercier: Washington University in St Louis
Thierry Heles talks to Nichole Mercier, assistant vice-chancellor and managing director for technology transfer at Washington University in St Louis, about increasing engagement from female…
Tony Raven: Cambridge Enterprise
Thierry Heles talks to Tony Raven, chief executive of University of Cambridge’s commercialisation arm Cambridge Enterprise, about abandoning long-held beliefs in the workplace, his help…
Orin Herskowitz: Columbia University
Thierry Heles talks to Orin Herskowitz, senior vice-president of intellectual property and tech transfer for Columbia University, and executive director of Columbia Technology Ventures, about…
Tony Armstrong: IU Ventures
Thierry Heles talks to Tony Armstrong, president and chief executive of IU Ventures, about how the organisation supports Indiana University spinouts and startups.
Lesley Millar-Nicholson: MIT’s Technology Licensing Office
Thierry Heles talks to Lesley Millar-Nicholson, director of MIT’s Technology Licensing Office and Catalysts, about a bumper year despite the pandemic.
Peter Devine: Uniseed
Thierry Heles talks to Peter Devine about Uniseed, Australia’s longest running venture fund that operates at the Universities of Melbourne, Queensland, Sydney & New South…
Jim Wilkinson: Oxford Sciences Innovation
Thierry Heles talks to Jim Wilkinson of Oxford Sciences Innovation about the company and how they invest.
Darek DeFreece: UC Berkeley
Thierry Heles talks to Darek DeFreece, who at the time of recording was the managing director of Berkeley Academic Ventures.