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  • Thumbnail for Peter Devine: Uniseed

    Peter Devine: Uniseed

    Thierry Heles talks to Peter Devine about Uniseed, Australia’s longest running venture fund that operates at the Universities of Melbourne, Queensland, Sydney & New South…

  • Thumbnail for Jim Wilkinson: Oxford Sciences Innovation

    Jim Wilkinson: Oxford Sciences Innovation

    Thierry Heles talks to Jim Wilkinson of Oxford Sciences Innovation about the company and how they invest.

  • Thumbnail for Darek DeFreece: UC Berkeley

    Darek DeFreece: UC Berkeley

    Thierry Heles talks to Darek DeFreece, who at the time of recording was the managing director of Berkeley Academic Ventures.

  • Thumbnail for Tom Vanhoutte: Imec.xpand

    Tom Vanhoutte: Imec.xpand

    Thierry Heles talks to Tom Vanhoutte from Imec.xpand about the Belgian venture fund’s approach of investing huge sums at an early stage.